"...it's better to look at the sky than live there. Such an empty place; so vague. Just a country where the thunder goes and things disappear."
-'Breakfast at Tiffany's', Truman Capote
It's one of those nights where the quiet becomes an atmosphere, saturating me. As usual, I'm sat in my uni room, convinced everyone is having a better time than me. All I can hear is the endless exhale of the laptop - not even the sound of a clock ticking. The desk light pools a yellow glow, so I'm in this little island, surrounded by the dark.
I've been on the internet for a while - unsurprisingly, being a teenager. I know I'm looking for
something, but I can't find it. Something aesthetically pleasing? Music to stir away apathy? Some sort of news or quote to start and create a chain of feeling? I'm looking at vlogs, blogs, watching a few seconds of music videos or film clips, searching through images and sounds. I know that what I'm looking for can't be found in make-up tutorials, in images of clean cut tailored outfits, or voices and rhythms.
I'm looking for inspiration. And it's hiding from me.